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Breaking Design Molds
Efficiency by Innovation

CRYORIG H Series coolers feature our proprietary Hive Fin™structure. This design allows for a combination of Jet Fin Acceleration™ and Turbulence Reduction, as well as strengthening structural strength of the fin stacks. Combined together, the Hive Fin™ design brings cool innovation.

Air Exhaust Acceleration
Hot Air Cooled Fast

By utilizing a larger air intake and narrower air exhaust section on the fins, compresses the air to move faster while exiting the heatsink. Jet Fin Acceleration System™ carries the hot air out of the system faster and more efficiently.

Extreme Efficiency
Turbulence Reduction System

Utilizing a bee hive shaped structure at the front air intake of the heatsink, lowers air turbulence and straightens out the airflow. Assisting airflow to move directly through the full length of the heatsink and carrying out hot air.

XL Surface Area
Heat Dissipation

The H series coolers by CRYORIG feature an extended fin surface area to the back. This allows the heatsink to achieve phenomenal cooling performance comparable to Dual Tower coolers and heatsinks. The H5 in particular has a cooling surface area within 90% of our top-line R1 series coolers.

Heatpipe Positioning
Total CPU Coverage

The H5’s Heatpipe Convex-Align™ System allows for more heatpipes in a given area, optimized heatpipe placement in the copper base, and improved alignment with your CPU. With the Heatpipe Convex-Align™ System, each heatpipe functions to their maximum TDP capacity.

Acoustically Optimized
Silence Means Cold

Acoustics are just as important as performance. That’s why the XT140 140mm fan integrates acoustic optimizations. The XT140 features our High Precision Low Noise (HPLN™) bearing and the detachable Acoustic Vibration Absorbers that give the fan a snugger fit while canceling vibration and noise at the same time.

Patent Pending
Quick Mount System

Patent Pending Multiseg™ Quick Mount System providing an all in one solution on Intel™ platforms, CRYORIG’s MultiSeg™ Quick Mount System allows for a securer and firmer installation within minutes.

Unmatched Compatibility
Zero RAM Interference

Focusing on providing the widest range of compatibility, the H5 utilizes an asymmetric slanted heatpipe layout to move the heatsink away from the RAM zone. Also, fitted with a 13mm thin XT140 the CRYORIG H5 offers optimal compatibility for RAM with tall heat spreaders on both Intel™ and AMD platforms.

Specification & Details

Heatsink Specification
Dimension ( with fan ) L98 mm x W143 mm x H160 mm
Weight ( with fan ) 853 g
Weight ( without fan ) 764 g
Heat pipes 6mm heatpipe x 4 units
Fin T = 0.4 mm ; Gap = 2.8 mm
Fin Pcs 38 pcs
Copper Base C1100 Pure copper nickel plated
RAM Height Limit Limitless
TDP 160 W
Fan Specification
Model XT140
Dimension L140 mm x W140 mm x H13 mm
Weight 89 g
Rated Speed 700 ~ 1300 RPM ±10 %
Noise Level 20 ~ 24 dBA
Air Flow 65 CFM
Air Pressure 1.49 mmH2O
Ampere 0.27 A
Motherboard Compatibility
2066, 2011(-3), 1150, 1151, 1155, 1156
FM1, FM2/+, AM2/+, AM3/+, AM4
What’s In The Box
H5 Universal x 1
MultiSeg™ Backplate for Intel x 1
AM4 Screw Pillar x 4
Intel Mounting Bar x 2
AM4 Mounting Plate x 1
Thumb Screw Caps x 4
Screw Pillars x 4
LGA 2011 Screw Pillars x 4
Acoustic Vibration Absorbers x 4
CP-7 x 1
L-Screwdriver x 1
Installation Guide x 1

Compatibility Check

The Easiest Way To
Check if CRYORIG Fits

At CRYORIG, we are always coming up with new ideas on how to improve our user experience. Taking into account of the multitude of hardware combinations and the speed of new hardware hitting the market, we have come up with a innovative way of helping users solve the question of “Will it Fit?” in true modding/DIY spirit.

Enter the CRYORIG ORIGAMI COMPATIBILITY TESTER! All you need is a printer, some A4 sized paper, a ruler, and a pair of scissors to make your own CR ORIGAMI TESTER! Please always use recycled materials or used paper if available.


Print your plans with a printer onto a piece of A4 sized paper.When printing making sure to use the following print options: Actual Size/True Size and Uncheck Fit To Page. Then use the Scale Check Zone at the bottom of the print out with your ruler, to see if you have a 1:1 print. Printing on thin cardboard or thicker materials are suggested but not required.





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Click on the awards below to read reviews conducted by profession media, review sites and forum power users.


silent pc review_CA

“Despite its slim stock fan, the Cryorig H5 Universal is surprisingly competitive, even against its dual fan big brother, the R1 Universal/Ultimate.”



Review – CRYORIG H5 Universal



[Unboxing] CRYORIG H5 CPU Kühler


game zoom_DE

“Klasse High-End Kühler, der den Geldbeutel schont!”

“class high-end cooler which saves money!”


hardware indside_DE

“Ein sehr einfacher Einbau innerhalb der vom Hersteller versprochenen fünf Minuten ist daher ohne Komplikationen möglich. ”

“A very simple installation within the promised by the manufacturer, therefore, five minutes without complications is possible.”


Zenchillis Hardware Reviews_DE



Simmie’s Schrauber-Channel_DE

Hardware-Unboxing CRYORIG H5 Universal


Elektronik Test_DK

“Der er ingen tvivl om at jeg er super imponeret over hvor meget CRYORIG har gjort ud af designet på denne køler, er en af de fedeste kølere jeg har set længe.”

“There is no doubt that I am super impressed with how much CRYORIG has done regarding to the design of this cooler, it is surely one of the most awesome coolers I’ve seen in a long time.”


Sistemas Ibertronica_ES

Coolers CPU: Presentación de los Coolers CRYORIG H5


HARD zone_ES

“podemos afirmar sin duda que el rendimiento térmico demostrado por el H5 Universal es excelente.”

“we can say without doubt that the thermal efficiency shown by the Universal H5 is excellent.”



“Impresionante el rendimiento de este cooler Cryorig H5.”

“Impressive performance of this cooler Cryorig H5”



[Cowcot TV] Présentation Cryorig H5



Unboxing Ventirad H5 de CRYORIG



“La conception en nid d’abeille de la face coté ventilateur du radiateur semble être efficace!”

“The bee design on the front side of the radiator fan nest appears to be effective!”



空冷を見極める! 2014年CPUクーラー王座決定戦






Unboxing CRYORIG H5 Universal